as i transition into #keto diet - or maybe #paleo is a more accurate description, i am steadily phasing out all kinds of sugars except for those in fruit with large amounts of antioxidants, i am recovering my thirst part of the problem i had been having up to now was exacerbated by being chronically dehydrated i'm really starting to crave for water now and that's a really good sign i believe this means that i am beating back the type 2 diabetes - and i know that sugar is dehydrating, and hygroscopic (water loving) so it makes sense that if my blood had an excess of sugar in it, that my need for water would be higher but my sense of need for it would be lower so many bullshit things about this surrounding alcohol wernicke korsakoff - main macroscopic symptom is the decay of the hippocampus but i think the real source of the problem is amyloid plaques suffocating nerve cells, and they do this all over your body, causing pain, tremor, weakness, and all kinds of other nasty symptoms the grain based diet is toxic for some of us, far more than the average and i think that the rest of the population is more liable to develop psychosis due to chronic high blood sugar, probably something to do with higher than normal levels of tryptophan running loose due to the constant need for insulin to signal organs to burn sugars there's a complex system going on there but i think that sugar metabolism is involved, and that not just psychosis but also chronic disease and shortened lifespans are the outcome


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