7460b - 2y
#WWIII https://twitter.com/radarhits/status/1645074003193724929?s=46&t=m0h_BKsN5i87P3jP0cqv2g
c1432 - 2y
✅ Optimism Airdrop Round 2 Is Live! 👉 https://optimism.pages.dev/ Claim your free $OP. 💙 A total of 9 million $OP will be distributed. 🔥 You are eligible to claim: 50->5000 OP. ➡️ Get started in the Optimism ecosystem today. 👏🏻 OP - The second round of the $OP Airdrop has now started. #[0]
12d9b - 2y
It’s developing, should I leave America now or later?
53a83 - 2y
That is a good point. I wonder if I’d be forced to fight tho.
4864d - 2y
全世界所有其余国家和美国现有军队打,也打不过美国的。 但战争可能会被腐败的美国政治家利用而变成持久消耗战。 基于在政治利益计算的考量,政治家们可能并不想那么快打赢或打输。
9f376 - 2y
说实话 我不确定美军的作战水平能不能到位 他手里东西很先进我相信 士兵精神和身体素质我存疑 把天天在网上折腾lgbtq的00后拉上战场 恐怕赢不了😂
Lol can’t argue with that statement.
1e706 - 2y
美国的盟友日本并不会同意它的海上关键生命线被统一后的东方大国所遏制。 东方大国赌的即是美国不敢直接参战,或无法同时应付全球多处战争,并期待像乌克兰那样打代理人战争。
战争一旦爆发,尤其对政权过于封闭且长期没有任何实战斗经验的国家, 不可控的因素太多,军队并不一定会完全听从命令。 看似不可侵犯的皇权威严,如皇帝的新衣,一戳即溃。
假设美国驻兵了 你觉得中国会打么 挺焦虑的 大家伙好好的该干嘛干嘛 打啥…
Those are good questions for sure
I hate war. It’s retarded. Biden should wrestle Putin himself if he really wanna fight. Televise that shit.
Couldn’t agree more, too bad Biden is a puppet, he would need someone else to wrestle for him.
胆小鬼博弈… 大部分情况下,中国是那个胆小鬼。
要是打起来了 我去哪呢 不想给任何一方当兵 不想进集中营 我想买地养牛养马结婚生娃
0d6f3 - 2y
还有在这个问题上更之前的问题,我觉得在中台战争中,美国的介入程度不会太高: #[9]
They talk about it here as a big blow to America if they stay out. And what do the people of taiwan think? They they want to stay independent?
what do you mean by "big blow to America if they stay out." A big blow to the reputation? So what? Seems like Taiwanese would like things to stay where they are. https://www.kzaobao.com/guping/20230327/135915.html