mleku @mleku - 1mo
it's a #GE post for me right now kitty is in the training zone, with the new thing, and i heard the swoosh of silica pebbles and was like "oh he already figured that out" yeah, so a warning about the teaching cat to poop in human toilet they already know dirt, so you gotta start with dirt, otherwise you end up with brown kitty furs as i did, trying to set up a way for him to try out pooping into porcelain no, this is impossible first you must teach kitty to poop into plastic bowl of dirt then you move the dirt to the toilet then you let the dirt level run down so he gets used to seeing the bottom then you cut a hole in the plastic bowl and just put a nominal amount of smelly dirt in the edges with the hole and then kitty now thinks of putting poopies in a hole is a thing, and then you can not much later remove bowl and kitty just uses toilet bowl but you can't do it any other way they are wired for dirt to cover their poopies for securitaah reasons
oh wait i may have meant #GN because i shall attempt to lose consciousness for a while shortly