4dc2e - 2y
Today's docket: Dog park Best buy for external ssd HD Wipe windows 7 🤗 (this makes me kinda ridic happy) Install Linux v 👀 #node #tor #bitcoin #lightning https://stopanddecrypt.medium.com/running-bitcoin-lightning-nodes-over-the-tor-network-2021-edition-489180297d5
captjack 🏴☠️✨💜 @captjack - 2y
look some LVM post - u can keep adding stacking old cheap HDDs - (noraid) but no need buy expensive large 1TB 2TB HDDs in case that needed - recovering also possible from one partial disk failure - need some new cheap disks in that event
a8171 - 2y
29cae - 2y
Bookmarked. Thanks.
Okie thanks for the the tip
Amine @Amine - 2y
Sounds like a busy day, enjoy ! 💜🫂
Thanks amine 🫂💜 hope you have a good one too!!
He would be so proud 🥹🥲
Thanks ! 💜🫂 planning to, it’s sunny and beautiful here today 😍😍😍
Yay! I love that for you!! 💃🏼your run yesterday was v impressive. Keep up the proof of work 👏👏👏
Thanks ! 💜🫂 the good weather brought the extra motivation yesterday too 🫂
also now tor V3 only - 2021 medium doc steps are bit old - PRINCIPLE is same core--- bitcoind (ZMQ, txindex=1) 600GB start grow torv3 lnd add some UI management tool after that from github -> nice n optional later electrumX/bitpayserver+eps/lnbits
🔥 I pray it continues. Now, salmon salad for lunch? ? 😂🫂💜
Got it Capt 🫡🫡🫡 will do my best
1cc11 - 2y
Looks like a good plan! Good luck. I have just finished a short hike and it is so nice outside. Spring, trees are soo green and weather is great today ☀️☀️☀️
That sounds lovely! Moarrr greeeen picsss plsss 🤗
Come on, I’m not THAT motivated 😂😂
😂😂 in a turn of events, I've been eating cookies for two days
Have a fren who has a buncha Pi 2s. That'll work?
So refreshing like a sip of spring
Even I can’t do that 😂😂😂🫂💜
Try harder 😂😂
captjack 🏴☠️✨💜 @captjack - 1y
#[2] #[3] most likely LVM was enabled at 1st in original node hardware box - unless it was VM so 1. backup all key/seed/config data outside DISK 2. add additional disc - rebuilt again from scratch unless u temporary 1TB storage to copy data out n mave back to after LVM2 disks are built 3. u need linux cli knowledge / search tools many free tips in or outside nostr