Silberengel @Silberengel - 4mo
#Republicans look like they may soon control all three layers of #USA government (Supreme Court, Congress, and Presidency). Big, if true. Live-Berichterstattung auf Deutsch:
I also think some state govs overplayed they're hand, on this one. They should have established a law, in the conservative middle field, and then inched it back, from there. Missing some Realpolitik.
Huge surge in minority votes for Trump. Seems to have made a real difference.
Yeah, but some people were playing to their base, instead of instituting laws that had staying power. Politicking, instead of governing. Same as Dems with the gender stuff. Overshooting. Well, whatever, with a Republican Senate, federal abortion liberalisation is off the table. I doubt abortion rights will play such a big role, going forward. I bet sounding so fanatical about abortion (and feminism, in general) lowered black and Latino male turnout for Harris and costed her the election.