Asdf @Asdf - 2mo
Define what can be defined.
I shall follow you now because I'm not talking to myself anymore.
There is an video lecture by an renowned mathematician saying that is hard to define what is definebility. I will get it.
It is from Richard Borcherds. I've already shared it but I am retarded and "deleted" it.
I do not understand him.
In fact in Critique of Pure Reason he is responding to Hume and I am not sure about what Hume is saying too.
Sometimes Kant looks like a retarded. Prolegomena is easier but I didn't read it entirely.
Good images. I liked Descartes. Not anymore.
I've read Discourse of the Method when I was nineteen. I liked a lot. But recently I was influenced by a Brazilian philosopher called Olavo de Carvalho who pointed out that Descartes wasn't be sincere in its exposition and he convinced me. I think there is no translation into English at this point.
Sincerity is something important and modern philosophy lacks it.
By "modern philosophy" I mean the last 500 years.
There are only indirect ways even for knowing what is happening in our own minds.
At 09:00 he says "Defining definability turns out to be a quite tricky problem".