unclebobmartin @unclebobmartin - 2y
Nostr is FREE. That means that people you disagree with will come here and say things you disagree with. People you think are harmful will espouse what you think of as harm here. People with political viewpoints that you despise will loudly proclaim their views here. People with sexual or religious viewpoints that you despise will loundly proclaim their views here. If you don't like that, if you feel like you need to stop them, you are in the wrong place.
Johano @Johano - 2y
f7380 - 2y
Nostr is censorship-selective
That used to be the motto of the ACLU and the Democrats. Not anymore. Thank Goodness it lives here! From: (benc) at 05/25/23 09:35:05 on wss://nos.lol CC: #[4] >--------------- >“I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.
Not so much anymore. From: deavmi<-plantimals at 05/25/23 13:51:29 on wss://relay.damus.io CC: #[4] CC: #[5] >--------------- >The ACLU has a very good history in the good old days of it truly defending speech even that which I despise.
tigs @tigs - 2y
Thats nostr the platform though (?), as a protocol it has giant implications to shake up multiple industries… not just twitter style feeds. Although viewpoints are different here… but relays can change all that! Freedom of choice is a bastion of Nostr is it not?
Yup. It's a FREE Nostr, you can build a relay to filter anything you like -- and I don't have to use your relay. From: HappyBear<-fiatjaf at 05/28/23 11:40:52 on wss://relay.damus.io CC: #[4] >--------------- >Can't you run a relay and filter what you like?
Absolutely! I'm a big fan of filtering your personal feeds. I want clients that have lots of filtering options. From: tanz<-cameri at 05/28/23 11:56:01 on wss://relay.damus.io CC: #[4] >--------------- >People should be able to say what they want, but doesn’t necessarily mean you want all of it in your face at all times. I think finding the balance between those two on your own feed is the sweet spot.
If you post it, it's out there for anybody else to use. Caveat Emptor! From: (the_valley) at 05/28/23 14:07:07 on wss://relay.damus.io CC: #[4] >--------------- >if by free you also mean free to be mined -