mleku @mleku - 3d
"individual to each observer" that being the singular earth, a very large body of matter of astounding size that people can think it's flat due to how flat the surface appears to us puny humans no, there is such a thing as a universe outside of your imagination it goes on regardless of your observation and it acts from laws that exist regardless of your opinion these laws scale from the micro to the intergalactic and beyond, and the only way in which they don't apply mostly is on the nanoscale where the forces are so weak compared to the masses that sometimes other forces take over, like magnetism or electrostatics i mean, gravity's effect is way reduced by the friction and pressure of water, just for one example of ways that the macro scale laws change on other scales and in other conditions the laws don't change, but the medium changes their effect anyway, just keep doing your research, learning is always good
also, holographic is the word for this virtual reality and it's a moot point if its laws are rigid and universal there is some idiots with fancy degrees that have tried to say over the years that "bla bla law breaks down in situation X" without any context of how bla bla law acts on the contents of what is in siuation X like how lightspeed is slower in water, or how time flows slower deeper into the earth and faster as you go outwards there is only a few laws, but only a few laws and conditions that modulate their expression are everywhere to see