Erik Cason @erikcason - 1mo
I am really, really thankful for Bitcoin, and more importantly Bitcoiners. You people have really inspired me to be my best, and to know that we all have a great and extraordinary task before us that we are manifesting into reality. It is all becoming true, and with Bitcoiners we are going to right the wrongs of our world that are rooted in the lies and corruption that are fiat. Together we are going to free our people from this impossible problem that has been so graciously and serendipitously solved by Satoshi. I thank all of you for helping me know that I have a mission and purpose in this world, and it is with all of you who share in this great quest that is to liberate other being into the sovereignty that Bitcoin provides and teaches to all of us.
I disagree with Roger on some of his points about bitcoin, but I like him as a person, his values and have great empathy for him and his persecution.
Zazawowow @zazawowow - 1mo
Thank you Erik 🔥