Silberengel @Silberengel - 2d
Couldn't post my recipe to because it kept saying I need to upload a pic, but I had uploaded a pic, so I just wrote it in Habla. Nostrudel doesn't show me all of my notifications or only does so really slowly, and auth relays are a trial to use on there. Coracle hates my signer, as does Highlighter. Highlighter hates my entire computer, apparently, and is generally wonky and buggy. I couldn't adjust my settings on Wikifreedia, which he apparently solved by getting rid of the settings page. We used NDK to build #Alexandria and we are now extremely motivated to switch to #Aedile.
It's just funny because our app is only a prototype. But so are almost all of the others.
They're sprawling, aging prototypes.
mleku @mleku - 2d
yeah, i have noticed several of these issues myself i so would love to be able to work as lead on a serious nostr client/relay combo project... been trying to sell the idea to my boss but he hasn't been able to find anyone to throw money at it so far
I had to give up on some developers, completely, as they didn't respond to my GitHub or GitWorkshop issues. Not even a 👍🏻 or anything. Just deafening silence. Okay, I can take a hint. Bye.
People underestimate how difficult software development is and how much room there is for error and how much maintenance a project requires. They build buggy stuff, throw it out on the market, and then it immediately begins to rot. Vaporware.
yeah, vapor as in methane and hydrogen sulfide haha