a nice summary of the known and mostly named geomagnetic excursions (mostly pole flips) that happened in the last 60000 years
the one 6000 years ago was moderate in intensity, and this also raises the question about the accuracy of time mentioned in the account in Genesis because if taken literally (360 day year calendar of those times) Noah's epic adventure with his boat built on dry land as the ocean and much rain came lifting him and his family and their herds and pets up and a 40 day until they ran back into land... it was not mild, it was clearly epic scale and by the account, they very nearly didn't make it with all the storms and winds rocking the waters that washed over the land there
so, if that event was a big one, it had to be the one labeled "Gothenburg" - so named because evidence about it was found near that city of that event, and it's my personal hypothesis (not sure if this hasn't been suggested by others, i suspect yes) that Tianchi was what the story of Babel was about, and thus Adam was about 15000 years ago, and about 3000 years later was Noah, and in fact Abraham was much later, coming out of the disaster of the Tianchi excursion with the destruction of a global empire that had the name that was adopted later by the more modern babylon, which was a region in the Levant, and then from there the time periods are clearly also distorted somehow
Note that sometimes the half cycles were not quite as bad but we are up for a full cycle this time
it's definitely gonna flush out the trash, hopefully, as described in Enoch, our ancestors and brothers have got a plan to keep us from extinction, because that's how it seems to be described both in Daniel, Enoch and Revelation all three suggest that there will be a coming catastrophe that will obliterate most life on the planet
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