Gigi @Gigi - 23h
seriously considering importing my tweet archive to nostr just so I can unearth some bangers
it's 1.21 jiggabytes though so it will probably crash pablo's exit dot pub
the only problem is though that it's all air replies
node @node - 22h
TIL the ⭕️ is a gang 🤭
Jay @Jay - 22h
Glad to be of service 🙇
What good do you think we traffic? Stolen memes?
IQ points 🤭
We steal IQ points from anyone who reads our threads. Final settlement IQ points: they’ll never get them back
It's like protection money. Better to read our threads than those of actual morons fighting over stupid things. If you're gonna lose IQ points anyway that is. Come do it in the ⭕.
Exactly! Free entertainment. Well…except for the IQ points. 😂 Retards > morons
Gigi @Gigi - 22h
yeah ... nostr:nevent1qqsd9r83xyf23yhmgrnf05t8v0gydsr9ryty7qe4wesnmgttjpxxrkgpz3mhxw309ucnydewxqhrqt338g6rsd3e9upzqmjxss3dld622uu8q25gywum9qtg4w4cv4064jmg20xsac2aam5nqvzqqqqqqyc5ddz3
V4V entertainment* 😂
So I don't know what's convenient for you, but you seem like a Skokie kinda guy, so try this one 5600 W. Old Orchard Rd., Room #149 Skokie, IL 60077
Jay @Jay - 21h
That's hilarious. I've never even heard of this place 😂 I thought Skokie was a funny name though
Jay @Jay - 18h
The tunnel people? Maybe not consciously.
This rabbit hole keeps getting deeper. Makes me wonder why I was directed to investigate cook county.
I'm not big on coincidences 🤝 Thanks for the insight
node @node - 9h