been diving deep into some code for a rather pretty material design UI - decided that i needed to just try and figure out how to use the latest version of this library because the bastards changed it so much in the last 5 years since i was first using it, that none of my code can be easily updated
in any case, the new stuff has shiny things like modal sidebars and animations and other groovy things and there is a decent markdown display widget as well so this is basically everything i need, i may get cranky trying to get the damn X11 middle button paste working exactly as i want it to (in my previous code for whatever reason, i discovered that the app was wiping the buffer on exit, not a big problem if you keep it open but if you make an app that opens briefly and you want to paste something from it you have to not close it... which is lame
anyway, adding this feature won't be that hard, there's a few widgets that will need some modification and that will not be difficult... the other thing was the old XGB library it used is quite out of date, and there is a new one, and possibly there will be some other way for me to get it working
anyhow, i made the code much shinier, nothing makes me more crazy than stupidly noisy code with rubbish that has to be there but is interfering with me reading it, the more i have to ignore in code, the less i will understand it, because that's just how it is, and that's why i like Go, because it is one of the most readable and concise languages
stupid git host that they use is also very lame, there is no source code view to just casually look at code so i won't bother trying to show the side by side, suffice it to say that the way that elias naur and co design their APIs is retarded, and you wind up with massive, long lines and ugly layout and hard to read and no real care has been taken to minimise the amount of crap you have to type to use this shit
but it is really the best, even still, for Go, even though they are shit at making it easy to use... so i want to use it, just got that obstacle of getting a decent framework for using it easily, the example i was working on today is great, it covers almost everything except for the more complex text editing that i will need, but that's ok...
the gio code as it is can be cleaned up a lot by using a lot of aliases and rethinking how to structure the files so there is more local scope and less stupid unnecessary package names to further clutter it up
but even still, it is pretty compared to rust. rust is pig ugly, absolutely ugly as sin, and the level of complexity of the syntax is too damn high
only young people could love shit like this, because people who have been working for a while will remember when you stop using something, the ease with which you can pick it up again is directly proportional to how fucking complex it is
it has taken me about 3 days to get back in the groove with gio programming
shiny new nostr relay chat app will be coming in the next months
it is bedtime at the mleku citadel by the sea in the town of good luck
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