Laeserin @Laeserin - 2mo
I feel like I've lost any sense of being female. It's always been sort of tenuous, but now it's just gone. I look female, but mentally I'm an androgynous comrade, now. Just stumble from one meeting or task, to the next. I'm reminded, again, that the feminine is defined by being at rest.
mleku @mleku - 2mo
it's nonsense that women don't work hard, they work just as hard as men, they are just suited to a different set of tasks that men are kinda shit at
Must be nice.
Seems self-explanatory.
I'm usually working on tasks that both men and women are kinda shit at.
I don't really have vacations. I just repair the house and visit relatives. I have a lot of relatives.
I travel a lot.
Yeah, a hug would be nice. People around here don't hug. Just handshakes or sex. First thing I do, in Constance, is enjoy a round of hugs. π
hugs are way too rare these days
I'm actually also someone who finds it uncomfortable to hug people. Don't like having my personal space invaded. π Difficult.
Cameri @Cameri - 2mo
I used to live in Texas and then in Maryland. People were generally huggier there, than in Germany. Especially, since most of the people I knew there were Latinos or black people.
People don't really hug or touch here, or even do the kiss-the-air-loose-grasp thing, like I'm used to from living near the French border. You could spend all day, every day, all year surrounded by lots of people, and never even have someone touch you on your shoulder, or something. No physical contact, at all.
Totally different in France, Spain, or Italy. Always a shock, when I'm there. π
Oh, yeah, I love going to the hairdresser! I stopped going, since I started growing my hair out.