SinedinZigan @SinedinZigan - 10mo
WE ARE ALL PoW CREATORS 🙏🏼 The Creator, the energy himself, you can call him #GOD gave us the ultimate possibility to create another human by bringing two humans, woman and man together, and sharing energy to start the process of creation. He created us in his image and so we all are creators. What better proof you need that #ProofOfWork is the god given basic system of our world?
This is sad to hear. I'm sorry for that. To be honest i don't really know but as i learned in the last few years the modern synthetic medicine is not really made in human favor. In my opinion those in power did that to our bodys by manipulating our genes over decades and so this manipulation takes effect also on our future generations. It's population control. They've played god and we've trusted them that all of this is in our favor, but finally it isn't. Im not sure if i'm right but i've lost the trust in them. Aditionally i think they have a solution agains cancer but this would destroy their cash cow.