mleku @mleku - 21d
so, it seems that nobody has yet made a #nostr #NWC client library for #golang they made servers, but no clients you wannan client? go rust yourself, or typescript your retarded melted object brain so, ok, i'm reading the damn protocol now i understand well enough how the connection strings work, it's pretty transparent, and it's just ephemeral nostr events but really, who the fuck is even building stuff that uses NWC? dis you mikedilger? i'm kinda shocked that fiatjaf has done no work on this too, but ok going to read this closely and implement all the things
mleku @mleku - 20d
of course, first thing is the lightning fast JSON codec why? because fuck you, that's why go is fast. a nostr go NWC client library is going to be faster
i'm kinda amused to see NWC has basically got a JSONRPC2 API no matter, i shall make it do the things in least time anyhow even if the entire nostr could have been better done as a JSONRPC2 it is fun
already done almost 2 hours on my paid gig planning to do a few hours on this task i really enjoy this kind of tedious, low level programming anyway... i just trip myself up sometimes because i want to reinvent all of the wheels 🤣