Leo Wandersleb @LeoWandersleb - 2mo
High engagement posts break my client and I don't see how to get all that content quicker on the screen without centralization. I do see however a way to get relevant content very quickly. The client loads the event in question and then gets with little limitation all kinds of events referencing this event. And then it gets profile information of all the authors of all these events. Thousands of events in hundreds of round trips take time and the slower the internet connection the more challenging it gets. I would want all the events to be filtered by "friends of friends" or better yet, load social circles in stages. First my direct follows, then their follows, then theirs and only if that did not yield lots of content, go global. nostr:npub1ye5ptcxfyyxl5vjvdjar2ua3f0hynkjzpx552mu5snj3qmx5pzjscpknpr https://v.nostr.build/UhOUOPjW2i4CTehc.webm