3efda - 2y
The Damus on the Google Play store *is NOT our app*. It is a scam and is probably trying to steal private keys. Damus is iOS/macos only.
3903a - 2y
9c6a0 - 2y
75f45 - 2y
【注意】Google Playに出回っている #Damus は、公式ではなくてスパムです❗️❗️ #[1]
7c579 - 2y
Oh shoot. This is not good.
616a1 - 2y
0abe5 - 2y
We could all tag it a usurpation in playstore (Three dots on right, up of screen) then signal as inniproriate)
c0af4 - 2y
edf55 - 2y
2905f - 2y
amazes me all the shit google did stopping iris and they just blindly allow scams on like this
1656f - 2y
706ae - 2y
I thought so, because of the intense way of displaying ads.
c9a58 - 2y
78306 - 2y
6d383 - 2y
f91e8 - 2y
谷歌应用商店的Damus不是官方的,要小心。 https://i.imgur.com/5wfkKlB.jpg
1f084 - 2y
Could you make the app sort of verify its integrity on first launch with a specific relay (validator) using specific hash? Is this even possible?
Marks @Marks - 2y
The joys of building novel technology
Uncle Rockstar @ROCKSTAR - 2y
😿 will be fun battling this type of scams in coming years
a05d4 - 2y
Education is essential 🧡
やトナ @やトナ - 2y
Is “Damus” not trademarked?
Like, here’s an idea: Sign #[2] to generate a signature. Make a note on a specific relay with that signature, which should change with every update. On Damus first launch check that the signature matches and notify user accordingly.
the web of trust will prevail!
1a320 - 2y
cd6c5 - 2y