hzrd149 @hzrd149 - 1y
I'm calling all the Inbox and Outbox relays under a users NIP-65 relay list "Mailboxes". I think this would help communicate to users exactly what these relays are supposed to be used for. also NIP-65 "mailboxes" are useful for a bunch of other stuff besides DMs. (relay hints, gossip model, notifying users when tagging "p") My goal is to have the user setup 4-5 "mailboxes" when they first setup the app, then ideally never change them. Then the app can use a completely different list of relays, so the user could either use the gossip model or change relay sets on the fly
Karnage @Karnage - 1y
Mailboxes is confusing to me. It sounds like it’s for messages - dms to be precise. What if you just call them relay sets?