mleku @mleku - 2mo
yeah, i'm mostly hostile to AI but using it to aggregate data intelligently is definitely one thing it is good at, after reading a good AI generated meeting summary... for the most part you don't need to trust the biases of the models to get this right, but i bet they are gonna start getting stick about their stupid biases when people need it to filter data full of "bad" subjects (i mean, think of investigators and law enforcement needing to deal with all sorts of depraved media and data)
also, you are doing nothing to reduce the impression that you are the attractive librarian type with that as your "fun stuff" haha
Silberengel @Silberengel - 2mo
We're using an LLM to write book summaries, as that's actually one of those boring, tedious things authors like to offload.
LOL Just realized that I'm legit a librarian now. 😂