mleku @mleku - 2d
i'm up for hearing about good nostr clients that do threadded discussions and chat as well watching this shit has got me quite sour on both coracle and nostr because the entire basis of this is "omg battery" when a lot of people use fucking laptops and desktop computers that don't run out of charge every day at all this mentality of mobile first is toxic, first of all, and secondly, if you aren't thinking about how to make encryption actually work you really are lying to yourself if you care about decentralization because if everyone can be snooped on what difference does it make what shape the traffic makes? nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqfngzhsvjggdlgeycm96x4emzjlwf8dyyzdfg4hefp89zpkdgz99qyw8wumn8ghj7umpw3jkcmrfw3jju6r6wfjrzdpe9e3k7mf0qyghwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2tcpzfmhxue69uhkummnw3e82efwvdhk6tcprfmhxue69uhhq7tjv9kkjepwve5kzar2v9nzucm0d5hsz9mhwden5te0wfjkccte9ec8y6tdv9kzumn9wshsz9nhwden5te0d4kx26m49eex2ctv0yhxcmmv9uq32amnwvaz7tmyv4ekx6r0dakxjmn89e6hxtcpr3mhxue69uhkx6rjd9ehgurfd3kzumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcqypk7ntms2emmn0fmwhxd7v6ys5ffxscem6wqee6kat6e6d6le0w2jx7ttks
nostrudel * fuck you if you build web apps and think that not implementing DMs properly because mobile when most users are on desktop and laptops fuck you think a bit more, this is like chipping away at the branch you are sitting on
that is even worse
because users choose your app because they trust it
also, the app has the damn secret in its control, do you want to make it impossible to present users private messages in your app because of this? then who gets to say which app can do this? it's a deadlock, you have to have all, or none, stop bullshitting
Then shutup and the tyrant's win
if you don't understand how encryption works, you aren't qualified to check
yeah, of course not... some fucking kooky shit from my perspective here, but i always forget that most nostr devs are just web app devs for them, signatures are a big leap encryption is like voodoo to them
and game theory and signals intelligence theory, lol! go back to Olympus you crazy philosopher
me either but i'll heed the call when it comes
that is a long way of saying "move the decryption into the signer" and make the signer the message viewer i think that's possible but the idea that clients are spying on you to that level where the previous situation was the clients were entrusted with the key to do all that autonomously... there is a big difference between unlocking your entire inbox forever, and granting access to read TO SHOW you your messages the phobia i seem to be facing is that... now that most clients use detached signers, they are afraid that their apps are handling more secrets that you wrap in the encryption it's silly, they just seem to be trying to unconsciously argue for them to not do a small bit of extra work - ie, make DMs work reliably nostr:nprofile1qyw8wumn8ghj76r0v3kxymmy9e3k7unpvdkx2tn5dahkcue0qy88wumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmv9uq32amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwv3sk6atn9e5k7tcpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgtcpz4mhxue69uhkg6t5w3hjuur4vghhyetvv9usz9mhwden5te0v96xcctn9ehx7um5wghxcctwvshszgrhwden5te0v9cxcctrv45kuargv4eh2m3wdehhxarjxyhxxmmd9uq3kamnwvaz7tmxv4jkguewdehhxarj9e3xzmny9a6x7mneqyshwumn8ghj7en9v4j8xtnwdaehgu3wvfskuep0w3uhqetnvdexjur5qqsf03c2gsmx5ef4c9zmxvlew04gdh7u94afnknp33qvv3c94kvwxgs4gzkmk and his #coracle (and i think his other apps use this stuff too) are the only clients aside from blowater's 0xtr messenger are the only nostr apps that are even trying nostr:nprofile1qyv8wumn8ghj7enfd36x2u3wdehhxarj9emkjmn99uq3zamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3wwa5kuef0qythwumn8ghj76twvfhhstnwdaehgu3wwa5kuef0qyv8wumn8ghj7cm9d3kxzu3wdehhxarj9emkjmn99uq3samnwvaz7tmrwfjkzarj9ehx7um5wgh8w6twv5hsz9nhwden5te0v96hg6pwdehhxarjxyhxxmmd9uq3wamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwdehhxarj9e3xzmny9uq3camnwvaz7tmrdpexjum5wp5kcmpwdehhxarjxyhxxmmd9uqzq0vy9tlv6h3f8u5tvcnexdcy50acec2n42ga0y9tz8m2w5k5ffpd4fh76v from has basically given up on trying to get sanity around auth and DMs, most clients now finally support DMs... two years later, i don't think the client devs really understand how fucking retarded they have been the whole time about this, acting like implementing these features was undermining the protocol, when in fact, not implementing them is undermining the viability of the protocol
gah, i get things backwards all the time (imagine how it is when i'm coding lol) most clients now support auth meanwhile nostr:nprofile1qyv8wumn8ghj7enfd36x2u3wdehhxarj9emkjmn99uq3wamnwvaz7tmfde3x77pwdehhxarj9emkjmn99uq3samnwvaz7tmrv4kxcctj9ehx7um5wgh8w6twv5hszythwden5te0dehhxarj9emkjmn99uq3samnwvaz7tmrwfjkzarj9ehx7um5wgh8w6twv5hsz8mhwden5te0vfhhxarj9ekxjemgw3hxjmn8wdcx7un99e3k7mf0qy2hwumn8ghj7er9wd3ksmm0d35kueeww4ej7qgwwaehxw309askgun99eeh2tcpr9mhxue69uhkvet9v3ejumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgtmjw5qzq0vy9tlv6h3f8u5tvcnexdcy50acec2n42ga0y9tz8m2w5k5ffpdprlx2x and nostr:nprofile1qyghwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnvv9hxgtcpzemhxue69uhks6tnwshxummnw3ezumrpdejz7qgewaehxw309aex2mrp0yhxummnwa5x2un99e3k7mf0qy88wumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmv9uq32amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwv3sk6atn9e5k7tcpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgtcprpmhxue69uhkv6tvw3jhytnwdaehgu3wwa5kuef0qyghwumn8ghj7vf5xqhxvdm69e5k7tcpzamhxue69uhky6t5vdhkjmn9wgh8xmmrd9skctcqypftfgrkhjammsap4marwdvpdnm5nya3hrdjq2cpezputzl8ltvt6arddjr have struggled to run paid relays for over a year, because without auth it's almost impossible to practically get people to pay for relay service and adjunct to that, Mazin most notably has been trying to pionere the use of automated messages from his relay service relating to subscriptions... i have done a little work with writing nostr chatbots, and its doable, but client support is pretty unreliable ,and like nostr:nprofile1qyghwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2tcpzfmhxue69uhkummnw3eryvfwvdhk6tcppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qyfhwumn8ghj7am0wsh82arcduhx7mn99uq3vamnwvaz7tmzv4mx7tnwdaehgu339e3k7mf0qydhwumn8ghj7argv4nx7un9wd6zumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcpz9mhxue69uhnzdps9enrw73wd9hj7qgcwaehxw309ashgtnwdaehgunhdaexkuewvdhk6tcpz4mhxue69uhkgetnvd5x7mmvd9hxwtn4wvhsqgrucv52prwm9t7ln7d7w7l07nyrfz0lj7tjrqnav299gtej5frupczltv89 says, who is also another relay service entrepreneur, it's really hard to get messages out to people over nostr
yeah, too much thinking
mleku @mleku - 1d
you can't have many well trodden paths in your mind without having stupid quite often... you have to walk out to that dead end a few times to realise "oh yeah, this place, let's not go here again"
i want to say also, this urge to find solutions is the root of what makes a person decide to become a programmer... it seems obvious to me you have the bug in you so maybe have a go at writing some simple things that solve simple problems you see that nobody else has done... that's how it starts, and then after that, you will be addicted