mleku @mleku - 1mo Iyah May is going hard on the things that they tried to shut her up about this is a beautiful tribute to Pink Floyd as well as a statement about the world as it is today #musicstr #youtube #iyahmay
lol, good going
i grew up with a lot of nice girls like her, met several from where she is from also, i am super proud of her stepping up and punching down at the obvious lies someone has to do it, sooner or later, at some point everyone is just rolling their eyes at the minority of cult drones who swallow the bullshit while everyone else's real life contradicts these beliefs
yeah, same, karmageddon is on high rotation in my mind when i'm not doing anything else, idk even why, i guess she's got the magic
yeah, the version i've watched several times has it overlaid on the video she is definitely an angel-in-training
Filou @Filou - 1mo
David Gilmour didn’t need auto tune though 🤮
Yeah it doesn't sound entirely right to me either. I doubt I'd get an answer if I asked for her unprocessed voice tho.
Honestly she has a great voice, but imo would 100% sound much better and more natural without the digitalized effects. Song is one of my favs so I have to be a harsh critic on this one 🤙
unfortunately i think she is of the post-autotune generation and it's now just "a normal music production tool" even though it's texic waste i had a gf who was a music conservatory student and she was venomous about autotune none of my favourite vocal artists use it except as a deliberate and obvious effect, subtle autotune is just poison
yeah, i'm sure her voice is being drowned out in the majority of social media tho but i cheer for her anyway