mleku @mleku - 3h
i'm not a doomer either, but this diagram is pretty clear that something is amiss: it has moved a greater distance in the last 50 years than in the last 400 another thing is that for the first time in the last 10 years the day length was shorter than 24 hours, in the time that we have been able to measure it precisely enough, which means that there is outside forces altering the earth's magnetic inertia, probably, since the two things are connected (if you drop a magnet through an aluminium or copper pipe the thing stops falling fast and this is caused by current induction in the tube as the magnet passes through) those are the most obvious things you can point to but those aurorae last year, two major occurrances, also are indications of changes and you won't find a reasonable explanation that humans can cause this because the amount of energy is far beyond what humans have ever produced, and that's just the last year of this