1GLENCo @1GLENCo - 1h
March 17th is Bitcoin Saint Patrick’s Day #Bitcoin #BitcoinDayOfTheYear #SaintPatricksDay #BitcoinSaintPatricksDay #StPatricksDay #BItcoinStPatricksDay #PaddysDay #BitcoinPaddysDay
Happy St.Urho's Day! (WTF is St. Urho's Day, you ask?!) Think St Patrick's day, only Finnish and Purple, not Irish and Green. And a day earlier. Where my fellow stoic Finns at? #sturho #stpatricksday #finnish #finn #sisu #stoicism https://m.primal.net/HlcD.jpg
b82b9 - 2y
Nostr knows how to bless genuine people and #[0] is doing that #stpatricksday #nostr #plebchain #[4]
Sandrek @Sandrek - 2y
"Happy #StPatricksDay to all those celebrating! Today, let's embrace the luck of the Irish and spread positivity and kindness wherever we go. May your day be filled with green, gold, and endless joy! 🍀🌈🎉 #luckoftheirish #happystpatricksday2023"
5fea7 - 2y
Happy St.Pats Nostrich Frens! https://nostr.build/i/nostr.build_fa338ced211c9c675b9e68fd5294e406dfd5ec835dc6d0cecc11d2d3875afd2e.jpg #nostr #stpats #stpatricksday