October 2, 2019 is a day I will never forget. I had relocated 8 hours away from family for work and was just about to go into a meeting when I received a call from my brother. He said “Lauren, don’t freak out, but dad is in the hospital. He had a heart attack.” I felt my heart drop to the floor… although my brother tried to down play it, I knew something was wrong. I immediately left work and made it back to Virginia in 5 hours. I had tunnel vision the entire way home. I made it to the hospital after hours and told them I had to see my father. I knew he had surgery that day but had no idea the extent of it. Finally they let me in. I had to wear special coverings because he was so susceptible to getting sick. This was the photo I took when I got there.. my dad had always been healthy. Was recruited to the naval academy for a full ride for a football and lacrosse scholarship, and he was always incredibly active. This wasn’t my dad, I remembered thinking when I saw him…I was so emotional, I felt helpless. After talking to the nurses I learned that he had a triple bypass surgery.. his heart died in three places and they had to crack open his chest bone to save his life. I was devastated…
The first year after the heart attack was grueling. My dad wasn’t the same… he went to doctor after doctor all whom recommended this pill or that pill and he was sick of it. He knew there was a better way.
Finally after a year of suffering he came across a holistic health doctor from India. He talked about the power of healing through food. He got my dad off seed oils and my dad only ate all natural nutrient rich foods from the earth. His body healed faster than anything the doctors had ever seen. They said it was impossible! And to do so Without any form of medication. He was running, swimming, and truly LIVING again. He meditated, found passion in cooking, and realized that life is meant to be truly living.
My dad was asked by the American Heart Association to tell his story. Little did they know, that he would speak the TRUTH. He shared how they put him on 27 different prescriptions that first year, and his only way back to living was by stopping ALL OF THEM and listening to his body, and allowing the natural medicines of the earth to heal him. His interview will broadcast tonight in front of hundreds of thousands of people. I couldn’t be more proud of my dad… for his journey…following his truth…going against what doctors and worried family said…and following his gut to unlock how truly nourishing this earth can be, and how the greed of the current system is failing so many.
I am So so so proud of him. 🥹
#thenostr #truth #foodstr #healthstr #nostr https://image.nostr.build/9170e2131c1472b9f0389e2f7a6ada0f7055725d8fa033de1ec22d12de6dca23.jpg
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