daniel @daniel - 26d
#zapzapzap You’ll find the instructions.
#zapzapzap That is all.
daniel @daniel - 29d
Now you can. #zapzapzap https://nostrscript.suhailsaqan.com
daniel @daniel - 2mo
#zapzapzap https://nostrscript.suhailsaqan.com/
daniel @daniel - 8mo
Looks like you’re using Damus, so there are a few things to optimize. 1. Find more relays because the stock ones aren’t enough 2. Find a reliable wallet that supports LNURL and Lightning Address format 3. Learn about #ZapZapZap so you can turn on your ability to #zap notes When in doubt, #askNostr!
daniel @daniel - 1y
Are you on Damus? Have you tried running the #ZapZapZap script?
Otherwise known as #ZapZapZap. 😆 The best thing about nostr:npub1wxl6njlcgygduct7jkgzrvyvd9fylj4pqvll6p32h59wyetm5fxqjchcan is that you can set multiple emojis to different values. 🤙⚡️❤️🫂 nostr:note19d3lyrjv0l8vhpnakgve73msgstj4fwms8eveu96vjv05mnud4xspddaez
You also have to run the #ZapZapZap script. nostr:note1gjd2str0tfqvrcwdttskxkd52vmsagc477gsr858k0ug86nuj60qzn6uas
Oops, I had my #TheNukening date wrong! Forgive me… Important dates in Damus history. 📜 2/10/2023: #Zap Day 4/20/2023: #OnlyZaps Day 5/15/2023: #OneTapZaps Day 6/26/2023: #NoZaps Day 7/5/2023: #ZapplePay Day 8/11/2023: #ZapZapZap Day 11/20/2023: #TheNukening
Probably the last update for 2023! Important dates in Damus history. 📜 2/10/2023: #Zap Day 4/20/2023: #OnlyZaps Day 5/15/2023: #OneTapZaps Day 6/26/2023: #NoZaps Day 7/5/2023: #ZapplePay Day 8/11/2023: #ZapZapZap Day 10/20/2023: #TheNukening
When you’re zapping with #ZapZapZap and nostr:npub1wxl6njlcgygduct7jkgzrvyvd9fylj4pqvll6p32h59wyetm5fxqjchcan 😉⚡️
Updated! Important dates in Damus history. 📜 2/10/2023: #Zap Day 4/20/2023: #OnlyZaps Day 5/15/2023: #OneTapZaps Day 6/26/2023: #NoZaps Day 7/5/2023: #ZapplePay Day 8/11/2023: #ZapZapZap Day
Don’t suppose you could get him on the Damus TestFlight and set him up with the #ZapZapZap hack? Probably too much for one night… 😂
TestFlight and a hack called #ZapZapZap. ⚡️
daniel @daniel - 2y
When you use both nostr:npub1wxl6njlcgygduct7jkgzrvyvd9fylj4pqvll6p32h59wyetm5fxqjchcan and #ZapZapZap on Damus.
Damus users…you DO know about #ZapplePay and #ZapZapZap, right?
Dan Wedge @WedgeSocial - 2y
N is for Noster #zapzapzap nostr:note1m8r66t7aez5fnp9vu74p84la95d0ut90nunugs3rryqg0fwd5krs7eg7jk
78fcc - 2y
#zapathon #zapzapzap https://nostr.build/i/19ced1f4dba2e9b1a1158eac4442bbed139def907a5c818603554fec1401ef04.jpg
e45a0 - 2y
lmao dkm #zapzapzap https://media.tenor.com/ckMRF2IunhwAAAAC/money-shutup.gif