Laeserin @Laeserin - 1d
I didn't really understand why I have a higher opinion of men, in general, than most women, until I realized that I just have unusually good taste, so I tend to end up interacting with the best men. Like, I can tell the difference between "acts masculine" or "appears masculine" and "is masculine".
This is just complete random garbage from my brain.
I think the inability to differentiate this -- or a lack of appreciation for it, when they encounter it -- is why some women struggle to find a man.
It's hard to explain. It's like there's this masculine essence that isn't directly related to what men immediately look like or say. It's like... you sort of soak it up, when they're around, and it calms you down.
Thoughts while watching my husband paint the ceiling.
It's a whole vibe.
Yeah. Grew up, fast. Always been old, seems like.
I always think it's really obvious, from my behavior, but maybe I'm less transparent, than I thought. That's a relief.
Yeah, like a mountain. Or, no... too passive. Rather, like a dormant volcano. Restrained aggression. Emotional and sexual continence. Quiet, contemplative control.
You can always tell, when a situation becomes chaotic and upsetting, and they become _calmer_.
Laeserin @Laeserin - 13h
Younger women, especially the immature ones, seem to focus on proxies of what they're looking for; second-order signals. Yes, things that others point out to them, as desireable, because they're easy to recognize and therefore to market. And they're things you can add to a checklist, rather than more complex traits, that only become evident over time and with discernment. Superficial evidence of deeper characteristics that don't exist.