Yeah, that's the thing. I'm unusually strong, for a woman, but no chance.
Also, that skeleton. Moving furniture, I was torturing myself, trying to grasp things with my little hands. Kept dropping everything and everyone was exasperated.
Or I'd pick up a big, heavy box and had to carry it at chin height to climb the stairs, so that I can raise my knees to the steps, which is BRUTAL. And I was struggling with one 30 kg box, at a time, and the guys climbed past me with THREE.
And the long-arm leverage, is real.
My baby has shoulders literally twice as wide, as mine. I was using a telescope to paint a high ceiling, but both of my hands were on the lower-third, so it was like I was just swiping past. I couldn't press upward and roll, could just sort of poke, so it was like I was stamping.
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