ChadF @ChadF - 9d
Since Fountain 2024 rewinds are so hot right now I want to remind everyone there are several other podcasting 2.0 apps you can use to send sats to podcasters and musicians. These all use Alby so if you have AlbyHub setup you can use it in any of these great apps. Thanks to Helipad running on my Start9 node I can see every transaction from these apps and export them as a csv file. I did this and here's the breakdown of how many sats I sent with each app this year. Podverse = 1,651,250 Curiocaster = 542,890 PodcastGuru = 303,803 TheSplitKit = 267,295 LNBeats = 136,709 Castamatic = 68,066 #V4V #PC20
Yes you do. I have channels setup through ThunderHub on my node and AlbyHub just uses those.