Daniel Khent @danielkhent - 3mo
"US man, 81, sentenced to six months for creating giant hybrid sheep for hunting." Random cloning in the backwoods of Montana. #geneticengineering #cloning #youcantmakethisstuffup https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/01/sheep-cloning-montana-hunting-prison
I agree. Bad for the local ecology. But how the hell did some random dude crack cloning? Do they have youtubes on that stuff now?
I didn’t know random dudes could clone.
You're right
I'm not so sure. "Using biological tissue obtained from a hunter who killed a wild sheep in Kyrgyzstan belonging to the world’s largest species of the animals – Marco Polo argali sheep – Schubarth procured cloned embryos of the animal from a lab, according to court documents." The section you quote: "Semen from Montana Mountain King was used to artificially impregnate other ewes." The Ewes weren't cloned but the Montana Mountain King itself looks to have involved at least a cloned embyro