Laeserin @Laeserin - 6h
>>One of these farms was Bolinture, the ancestral home of some of the McCaskills who started immigrating to North Carolina in 1771. One branch of the family built Talisker House and founded the distillery of that name, still the only licensed malt whisky on the island. In the aftermath of Culloden, great numbers of MacAskills left Scotland to seek better living conditions in the United States, Canada, and other pats of the world.<<
Want to go back to Scotland.
Silberengel @Silberengel - 6h
Like peat. I prefer the Speyside, but Hubby liked it.
I tried some, just to toast my ancestors, but I could barely get it down. Blech. Why couldn't they have made a nice Dalwhinnie?
Laeserin @Laeserin - 5h
A bit. Slightly.
I mostly just find British history fascinating. We're descended from the Macaskills, the Martins, and the Black Douglas. We know that for sure, due to documentation and DNA tests. Makes trips there so much more interesting and tangible. And I really want to go to Dublin, for the same reason.
elfspice @mleku - 2h
that's a really good single malt