mleku @mleku - 2d
lazy humans like to feed #catstr shitty food like grain and dry based biscuits and pressure cooked soggy soft meats but cats actually prefer food that they have to tear apart and they enjoy cleaning surfaces covered in traces of butter and meats and another thing when you feed a cat on chewy meats, that you brined as you should, they drink more water, which improves their kidney function, because the salt makes them thirsty, and that reduces the risk of developing kidney disease, which is a major plague of domestic cats fed on those shitty foods that "vets" shill for their "pet food" manufacturer sponsors.
also no coincidence that fat cats is a plague of the modern era weak kidneys -> obesity causes of weak kidneys? low salt intake, low water intake (caused by sugars and starches) and now add to that artificial sweeteners, which are, i'm quite sure now, even stevia glycosides, nephrotoxic (damage kidneys)