mleku @mleku - 3mo
feeling decent this evening, reminiscing and happy to say i've made big progress on a project i'm working on i pray that tomorrow i manage to get a hello world in wasm done and maybe even i plug that into a hello world smart contract of the thing i'm working to make happen then i can write up a nice piece about how i can do this thing
nope, i'm rewriting the cosmos wasmd programmable blockchain/interchain thing to use a pure Go engine and not be built on top of a stupid Rust one i've narrowed down the interface of it (it's not very well documented) and i'm today learning about how this go engine, called 'wazero' works so i can figure out how to plug the pieces together it's a #golang and anti - #rust project, i always felt it was retarded that they do all this funding to build the entire WASM engine in rust even though Cosmos is built on Go and probably always will be until everyone forgets about it, so why ??? why?? Go is perfectly good for implementing compilers and interpreters anyway, someone wants to have it done and i can do it so i'm taking the money and doing the work it has been rough though, dealing with the rust and cgo, both are ugh i've done a little work with FFIs in Go before and most recently extended the work that fiatjaf did to put the fast secp256k1 signature from bitcoin core into his go-nostr library, he only implemented verification, i implemented everything except the ECDH because the exposed functions in that library don't do X-only ECDH