mleku @mleku - 9h
you all #javascript and #rust devs are retarded if you can't build your software on a 1gb VPS your shit is worthless fuck you, and the horse you rode in on my relay builds that way and watching this clown show trying to do things with this browser and javascript shit and rust shit i can literally run my relay and my reverse proxy from source code i cloned to the VPS, build it with #golang and then restart the service and voila, updatid you literally can't do that with either javascript or rust, or c++ on a 1gb VPS literally can't prepare to meet your OOM killer, if you try also, to wait half an hour for that to happen, after it goes into manic swap shuffle mode for half an hour
the number of ways in which i hate #rust and #javascript are without number this is probably number one way, they are incredibly wasteful of resources
but no problem to use #golang - any version, at your option, with zero oom kills you do have to watch out with your code whether you are using too much memory sometimes though, i wrote more than a few things in the last year that blew up even my 64gb dev machine lol
mleku @mleku - 8h
that sounds very wild and awesome i will keep this in my mind, if you are interested in offering it, to be honest i'm not sure how stable this thing is but it's been working like a reliable donkey for my stuff for some time now, even with my tinkering
mleku @mleku - 7h
well you won't have any problem with #realy literally just need to have 1.23+ Go and clone it and then go build ./cmd/realy/.