The Fishcake🐶🐾 @The Fishcake🐶🐾 - 2d
Troubleshooting broken clock is some of the most painful experiences for both the user and the service provider. It’s not usually obvious but it interferes in many places. Y2K was my first experience with that, and I still run into occasional issues due to time synchronization, be it a client or between servers due to bugs and broken HW 😂😅😭
That problem has been solved already, so not something to worry about. And I do know that you were making a joke 😂
Always! I want for all the customers to be happy with the service
phil @phil - 2d
Out of interest, what was the issue?
Seemed that the phone was an hour off, Android. I didn’t know it was even possible 😂
I thought mobile phones sync time from the mobile base stations which sync from GPS as far as I know. I guess if they aren’t connected to a mobile network they would sync via NTP as long as they have Internet so it would be hard for the clock to be wrong. But I guess it could be possible?
mleku @mleku - 2d
quantum entanglement... zero time of travel
the problem of gravitational time distortion is quite interesting though... how will that work even with entanglement... the devices have to be able to adjust to the bandwidth of the slowest (lowest gravity) endpoint oh yeah, i was just seeing a new story about this, they have found methods to improve the tuning but i BET it's exactly this problem, the gravitational strength at each end alters what the effective frequency of each end is, and they have to be able to cope with this, and this changes enough that a circuit built without this knowledge won't be able to tune to the other side
No idea, I don’t think I can make my clock wrong on iPhone 😂
I’m pretty sure I could.. disconnect from the mobile network, redirect all NTP traffic to an NTP server with the wrong time.. I’m not going to try it though because I don’t know what would break! 🤣🤣