mleku @mleku - 2mo
ah yeah, this is a good reason for structuring it hierarchically then it's still gonna be quite overhead-heavy but it does make it simpler to make queries to find the parts, since each parameter can relate to a layer if you change a leaf, you have to change every layer up to the root of the event, so that means verse, chapter, book, and volume events have to all be changed at the same time to modify a verse, but i guess it is what it is my relay is not bloating up memory that much by keeping a list of whitelisted users over 11k so i think this is fine
Silberengel @Silberengel - 2mo
Well, you also have to remember that you can have different versions of the same content. Like, I produced first a Bible with the 30041s at the chapter-level. That's fine for reading, and loads quickly, but it's not useful for quoting. So, I'm making another one with 30041 verses. Most people will be using individual verses, or one parable, but having them as part of a larger structure means that you can navigate back to the chapter and from there, back to the book, and so on. Because you'll be able to REQ the data, you can then pull it, reformulate it completely, add your own thoughts, and republish in whole or part.
You actually won't have to change the branch, to change the leaf, once the 30041s are linked in with the new "a" tags. These first editions are still using "e" tags, but soon, you'll be able to edit leaves without having to update the branch. I already produced some test publications, with the new structure, but Alexandria isn't picking up on them, yet. You only have to change a branch if you reorder, add, or remove leaves, not if you change them, so long as the d-tag stays the same.
That's actually more like how it originally was. Paper was scarce and text was manual, so people had parts of the Bible, illustrated and copied and commentaried. Like, only the Psalms or only the Gospels. Excerpts from their pastor about how to live an upright life, etc. That went out of style, as paper and printing got cheap, and people changed to just reading it front-to-back, over and over. Which is also important, but our data structure allows you to use the same papers do build both types of books.